Famous psychologist, Carl Jung once said "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate". This perfectly captures the state of people today.
We are living unconsciously, mindlessly following our old ineffective habits, taking our decisions based on what is widely accepted in society and hyped by social media. We often do not embrace our growth mindset by challenging ourselves with opportunities which often involves uncertainty. Not being gritty enough to withstand any hurdles in life and eventually find some sort of explanation for our present reality.
We want everyone to be illuminated and take charge of their life, become curious to find new ways to succeed and keep reinventing themselves in all the dimensions of their life and become better every day to realise their full potential.
In this podcast, we will share our insights which we have realised by our experiences and coming across different challenges in life and the way you can change your lifestyle to become the person you always wanted to be.
So join us on this journey and be an #Illuminator to make the world a better place.

Dynamic Singh
Writer, engineer & self explorer📍 🇩🇪
Always keep moving and reinventing yourself!

Piyush Mathur
Podcaster & engineer📍 🇸🇪
Trying to not go through life but grow through life!